API - Database\CotDB
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Class CotDB


public class CotDB
extends PDO

Cotonti Database Connection class. A compact extension to standard PHP PDO class with slight Cotonti-specific needs, handy functions and query builder.
See Also:
int $affectedRows Number of rows affected by the most recent query
int $count Total query count
int $timeCount Total query execution time

Field Summary
private int


Number of rows affected by the most recent query

private int


Total query count

private bool


Prepare statements by itself.

private array


Table names registry

private int


Total query execution time

private string


Timer start microtime

Constructor Summary

__construct(string dsn, string username, string passwd, array options)

Creates a PDO instance to represent a connection to the requested database.

Method Summary

__get(string name)

Provides access to properties

private void

_bindParams(PDOStatement statement, array parameters)

Binds parameters to a statement

private bool

_parseError(PDOException e, string err_code, string err_message)

Parses PDO exception message and returns its components and status

private string

_prepare(string query, array parameters)

Prepares a parametrized query on client side

private void


Starts query execution timer

private void

_stopTimer(mixed query)

Stops query execution timer


countRows(string table_name)

Returns total number of records contained in a table


delete(string table_name, string condition, array parameters)

Performs simple SQL DELETE query and returns number of removed items.


fieldExists(string table_name, string field_name)

Checks if a field exists in a table


indexExists(string table_name, string index_name, mixed index_columns)

Checks if an index with the same index name or column order exists


addIndex(string table_name, string index_name, mixed Either, mixed index_columns)

Adds an index on a table


insert(string table_name, array data, bool insert_null, bool ignore, array update_fields)

Performs SQL INSERT on simple data array.


prep(string str)

Prepares a param for use in SQL query without wrapping it with quotes


registerTable(string table_name)

Registers an unprefixed table name in table names registry


runScript(string script, resource conn)

Runs an SQL script containing multiple queries.


query(string query, array parameters)

1) If called with one parameter: Works like PDO::query() Executes an SQL statement in a single function call, returning the result set (if any) returned by the statement as a PDOStatement object.


update(string table_name, array data, string condition, array parameters, bool update_null)

Performs SQL UPDATE with simple data array.

Field Detail

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private int $_affected_rows = 0
Number of rows affected by the most recent query

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private int $_count = 0
Total query count

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private bool $_prepare_itself = false
Prepare statements by itself. Used with MySQL client API versions prior to 5.1

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private array $_tables = array()
Table names registry

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private int $_tcount = 0
Total query execution time

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private string $_xtime = 0
Timer start microtime

Constructor Detail

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public void __construct(string dsn, string username, string passwd, array options)
Creates a PDO instance to represent a connection to the requested database.
dsn - The Data Source Name, or DSN, contains the information required to connect to the database.
username - The user name for the DSN string.
passwd - The password for the DSN string.
options - A key=>value array of driver-specific connection options.
See Also:

Method Detail

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public mixed __get(string name)
Provides access to properties
name - Property name
Property value

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private void _bindParams(PDOStatement statement, array parameters)
Binds parameters to a statement
statement - PDO statement
parameters - Array of parameters, numeric or associative

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private bool _parseError(PDOException e, string err_code, string err_message)
Parses PDO exception message and returns its components and status
e - PDO Exception
err_code - Output error code parameter
err_message - Output error message parameter
TRUE for error cases, FALSE for notifications and warnings

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private string _prepare(string query, array parameters)
Prepares a parametrized query on client side
query - Query being prepared
parameters - Associative or numeric array of parameters
Array with placeholders substituted

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private void _startTimer()
Starts query execution timer

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private void _stopTimer(mixed query)
Stops query execution timer

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public int countRows(string table_name)
Returns total number of records contained in a table
table_name - Table name

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public int delete(string table_name, string condition, array parameters)
Performs simple SQL DELETE query and returns number of removed items.
table_name - Table name
condition - Body of WHERE clause
parameters - Array of statement input parameters, see http://www.php.net/manual/en/pdostatement.execute.php
Number of records removed on success or FALSE on error

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public bool fieldExists(string table_name, string field_name)
Checks if a field exists in a table
table_name - Table name
field_name - Field name
TRUE if the field exists, FALSE otherwise

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public bool indexExists(string table_name, string index_name, mixed index_columns)
Checks if an index with the same index name or column order exists
table_name - Table name
index_name - Index/Key name
index_columns - Either a string for a single column name or an array for single/multiple columns. No column check will be preformed if left empty.
TRUE if the index name or column order exists, FALSE otherwise

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public int addIndex(string table_name, string index_name, mixed Either, mixed index_columns)
Adds an index on a table
table_name - Table name
index_name - Index/Key name
Either - a string for a single column name or an array for single/multiple columns. $index_name will be used if empty.
Number of rows affected

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public int insert(string table_name, array data, bool insert_null, bool ignore, array update_fields)
Performs SQL INSERT on simple data array. Array keys must match table keys, optionally you can specify key prefix as third parameter. Strings get quoted and escaped automatically. Ints and floats must be typecasted. You can use special values in the array: - PHP NULL => SQL NULL - 'NOW()' => SQL NOW() Performs single row INSERT if $data is an associative array, performs multi-row INSERT if $data is a 2D array (numeric => assoc)
table_name - Table name
data - Associative or 2D array containing data for insertion.
insert_null - Insert SQL NULL for empty values rather than ignoring them.
ignore - Ignore duplicate key errors on insert
update_fields - List of fields to be updated with ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE
The number of affected records

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public string prep(string str)
Prepares a param for use in SQL query without wrapping it with quotes
str - Param string
Escaped param

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public void registerTable(string table_name)
Registers an unprefixed table name in table names registry
table_name - Table name without a prefix, e.g. 'pages'

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public string runScript(string script, resource conn)
Runs an SQL script containing multiple queries.
script - SQL script body, containing formatted queries separated by semicolons and newlines
conn - Custom connection handle
Error message if an error occurs or empty string on success

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public PDOStatement query(string query, array parameters)
1) If called with one parameter: Works like PDO::query() Executes an SQL statement in a single function call, returning the result set (if any) returned by the statement as a PDOStatement object. 2) If called with second parameter as array of input parameter bindings: Works like PDO::prepare()->execute() Prepares an SQL statement and executes it.
See Also:
query - The SQL statement to prepare and execute.
parameters - An array of values to be binded as input parameters to the query. PHP int parameters will beconsidered as PDO::PARAM_INT, others as PDO::PARAM_STR.

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public int update(string table_name, array data, string condition, array parameters, bool update_null)
Performs SQL UPDATE with simple data array. Array keys must match table keys, optionally you can specify key prefix as fourth parameter. Strings get quoted and escaped automatically. Ints and floats must be typecasted. You can use special values in the array: - PHP NULL => SQL NULL - 'NOW()' => SQL NOW()
table_name - Table name
data - Associative array containing data for update
condition - Body of SQL WHERE clause
parameters - Array of statement input parameters, see http://www.php.net/manual/en/pdostatement.execute.php
update_null - Nullify cells which have null values in the array. By default they are skipped
The number of affected records or FALSE on error